Monday, July 09, 2007



Today is HarleyDad's 62nd birthday! (Well, today when you are reading this. Right now it's the night before HarleyDad's birthday, which is kind of like being on the countdown end of a nuclear warhead, birthday-candlely-wise.)

Being a kind and benevolent monarch and semi-compliant daughter, I made it a point to be present this year for the big event. After all, one never knows when one's ever-elder patriarch might take a header and need someone to look after his collection of opium pipes whilst he recuperates. Or, you know, to fish him out of the pool after four chili dogs. Methane poisioning is bad. Plus and also, there will be pie. I like pie.

Y'know, it's too bad I'm not at my own computer because I was gonna make him this whole Monarch Macro "I'm in UR blog runnin' the show" kind of thing, and it would have been great, but nooooo. Also, the pink background I had originally planned in honor of Judge Baylor's nose and the bear pits and rebellion of years gone by? It didn't go with orange. Somehow it lacked that biker je ne sais quoi.

Here's my new joke:

How is eating dinner with HarleyDad different from eating dinner with Helen Keller?

It's not.

Let us all rejoice that my father has reached his golden years. In which case, my grandfather, the Illustrious Grand Patriarch, has gotta be platinum by now. Just think, Daddy: no matter how old you get, someone in the family will be older. We're immortal, kinda. And that, I think, is a good thing.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I love you, you old fart.

Endearing as always,
Your daughter and World Monarch


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Philip said...
To the tune of "Born to be Wild"

Gets his Harley runnin'
Never leaves the driveway
Stops to take a picture
Of whatever flies his way...

Born To Be Olllllddddd!

Happy Birthday Dad!

Anonymous said...

Birthday candles melt
Into the frosting, because
Lungpower can't cope.

Felicitations on occasion of another year's waxy conflagration.

Anonymous said...

I have neither a song nor Haiku (well, none that'd be appropriate here anyway) so I'll just say;
Happy birthday HarleyDad!

Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleanoes, HarleyDad! We came, we saw your condo, we drank your likker. TYVM. "We'll be Back." Love, Vicki-Rose