Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Two Harleys are Better than One

HarleyDad has bought a second Harley. I guess if I were a younger man I would have not purchased a second. But as an older individual (should I say more mature) I decided to move ahead with the support of Brokerbelle.

My riding years, unfortunately, are limited and so there is an open riding window and I have decided to drive through that window with a new Harley.

Some people love riding Harleys and I am one of those people. It is does not bother me to ride alone; in fact I enjoy it.

The new Hawg in the House is a Softtail Deluxe. It is Cobalt blue and white. To see a copy on the Harley site go to

I am scheduled to pick it up on Friday.

My 2003 Anniversary Sportster will be kept in good condition at home and ridden regularly. It will be available for guest rides by TexBro when he visits; Mr. Monarch (Prince Consort to HRH, the ImpQueen), the Emerald Prince when he gets out and Sparky if he decides to get a motorcycle license and visits.

It is my hope that the new Softtail Deluxe will be more suitable for multi-state rides outside of theMissouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas areas.

Can a new motorcycle be cost justified or explained? I doubt it. But if you really love riding then perhaps you will understand.

I talked with a friend at work, who asked if I were still playing golf. Now golf is the king of outdoor games in my opinion; however my answer was "No". Riding and boating take up too much time and I do not want to give either up and so golf is probably out until I retire.

Most people retire and do what? I don't know. Some write; some are productive. I fear I have been overly productive (although, not always successful) already; worked too hard and played too little.

Now the little boy who stayed inside to study and be a dutiful son, husband, father, scholar, and church member, seems to be very insistent in sneaking outside to ride freely in the sunshine in the beautiful nature made by the very hand of God. He wants to photograph and write about the beauty of that nature and the glory of a good God's handiwork. He seeks good relationships with all those that God brings into his life.

And lastly he desires to ride fast and free on his Harley. That is why he is HarleyDad.

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