Thursday, May 19, 2005

Testimonies of Grace

God has given us the Old and New Testaments . He has also surrounded us with testimonies of grace.

These testimonies of grace serve as an ever present witness of the loving mercies of God and His Goodness. They are there for us to see them if we have the eyes to see them.

The beautiful sunrises and sunsets testify to God. The daily sun and the beautiful light that streams from behind the clouds witness to His presence. The moon and the stars give witness to His creation at night.

Rainbows testify to his faithfulness. Mountains are testaments to His majesty.

The trees and flowers testify to the gentle goodness of God. Miracles surround us on a daily basis.

Each pregnancy and birth is a creative miracle.

We have become so callous to God that we fail to see him.

He is present in our church services, in our praise and worship. He is there when we do kind acts and serve one another.

We receive a multitude of answers to our prayers, and yet many of us still do not believe.

He surrounds us with His kindness and His mercies. If only we would stop and look around us for a minute, we would see the mercies and helps that he puts in our lives.

The Bible says that the grace and mercies of God fall upon us like the gentle rain. They fall on the believer and the unbeliever.

Whether you recognize His constant mercies is up to you. There are also evidences of evil in the world. I think that we have become so preoccupied with these evidences that we may have lost sight of the grace and mercy of God.


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