Friday, November 19, 2004

ImpQueen the Artist

ImpQueen is experimenting on Brokerbelle's blog . No link provided in as much as "It is Under Construction." Now we loved the graphics and the background of the old blog. Brokerbelle was comfortable with it, and we were absolutely certain that the pictures of the man and woman were Brokerbelle and Harley Dad except for one small point that is---the man was not wearing a motorcycle helmet. The size, weight and age of the two individuals running through the sand were just like Brokerbelle and HarleyDad. And the background of tourquoise and pale gray enabled Brokerbelle to use her lovely lavendar fonts.

However, change, through sometimes painful. is often beneficial. It causes us to leave the usual and the comfortable and to grow. Change is often good in that it leads us to something better. We all find comfort zones that we are very comfortable with. They are comfort zones because they have things in them that we like.

Sometimes circumstances cause us to leave these comfort zones. We then complain like a little child forced to go to a new place that they have never been before. We often find after the change is beneficial for us and we are better off for it. The little child in us finds that it has been led to an amuzement park. Neccessity forces us to make changes that we ordinarily would not just as soon make.

However, the better our circumstances, the less we like the change and more risk there is to it. Leaving a job where a person enjoys those with whom he works, and is lavishly paid always would have more risk than leaving a job where he or she were underpaid.

If you are an artist like HarleyDad there is never too much risk in repainting or rewriting. If you are Michaelangelo and have just painted the Sistine Chapel, why muck with it. Why take a few more chips with a chisel on the Pieta or the David.

So there you are. Change encompasses risk. Fortunately, most of us have the intellectual and moral capital that we can accept some risk in order to improve our situation.

How much change are you willing to accept today?



impletqueen said...

Oh, quitcher gripin', you retentive crybaby. It'll be just fine when it's finished.

I mean, uh.. with all due respect, Daddy Dearest, we could see the basic layout and initial graphics just fine from my house. Mayhaps your IT department got overzealous with the firewalls.

Yeah. That's the ticket.

Harley Dad said...


Ain't no firewall out here at the lake-no picture here either.

Ask your friends to hit her blog and ask if they see a picture.

HarleyDad thinks you are holding the picture hostage until you get your Christmas presents.

Meanwhile Brokerbelle is without a picture to her name.


impletqueen said...

Phone call last night from HarleyDad to me, Your Monarch:

HD: Oooh, what a gorgeous blog. The picture is right where it's supposed to be.

Me: Yeah, I went through the code and figured it out, since I'm teaching myself this stuff without so much as a Yoda to help me.

HD: It's just lovely. Now, about that sidebar...

Me: It's short. It can't reach to the top of the page. Are you discriminating against short sidebars?

HD: Heck no. I like all sidebars the same, just as Jesus would.

Me: Well, there ya go. I'll try to help it grow, but I can't promise anything, because it looks plenty tall to me.

HD: Yeah, er, everything looks fantastic. Please don't say caustic things about me in your blog.

Me: Hey, you were the one who took the goofball helmet pics, not me.

Harley Dad said...

Sidebars! Sidecars! Now that ImpQueen is pretty bad with sidebars. She wanders in has a few drinks, and then forgets why she came in and the first place. Side bars get stuck in the middle, well, that code becomes pretty complex after a few Impqueen drinks.

Sometimes they start out one color and then end up ImpQueen red or green. Othertimes they become phosphorescent and glow in the dark.

Now look at the HarleyDad page. Can you find the sidebar with my previous posts on it. No! ImpQueen wandered into it, had a few drinks, and the entire Previous Posts sidecar went down the drain when ImpQueen staggered out.

I thought your Father taught you better. Never drink while you are designing blogs!

On the other hand, I do have to admit that your ImpQueen blog designs are better done drunk than others are done sober.


impletqueen said...

You had better be nice to me, HarleyFart, or I will tell Aunt Catherine on you now that she is in a position to do something about it, and you had better believe she will tell God what-for until He relents and lets her have her way.

Drunken blogging, my adorable toesies. If I could afford to be drunken, it might be a legitimate description, but as it is I am too poverty-stricken to imbibe, and a good thing, too.

Where's my cough syrup? I'm coming over for Thanksgiving.

Debonair Suaveroot said...

Giver her hell, HD. She gets all uppity and stuff, she needs it. Of course, it's true she's teaching herself coding as she goes along, but what the hell? She's smarter than the average presidential cabinet, MUCH smarter than any sitting congress in the last 120 years.
Hey, you think you could have her pug's head grafted onto an English Bulldog? That would serve her right. A 120 pound grunting, farting, snotty little lapdog. I chuckle just thinking about it.
Bigtime Christmas hint (she did NOT put me up to this...but I know they lost their digital camera, and they've been despondent for weeks over it). Get 'em a 5+ megapixel Canon Rebel, HD. Like I said, they didn't put me up to this. I know, from sad experience how it is when a loved one dies and no matter how many pics you took, you wish you had more. I've got an out-of-focus, brief little film clip of my late mother petting my cat that I treasure. I shot it with one of those "puter camera" things back when you plugged it into your USB port and hoped for the best. They can also keep your updated blog pics top-drawer with a good device like that.
Debonair Suaveroot,
"ScreamRant" blog.