Thursday, November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving Harley Style

Beautiful Fall Day in Ozarklandia.
HarleyDad and Extended Family went out to eat and had a great time. Brokerbelle had Thanksgiving lunch with the family instead of serving them. Bill was big-but Brokerbelle said it was well worth it. After all, what is a marriage worth?
HarleyDad, Texbro and Mr. Monarch spent the afternoon watching "American Chopper" to which Texbro is addicted. Then the Three Amigos went out to ride. Texbro had not ridden on a bike as big as HarleyDad's and did a great job--any ride where there is no damage to "The Preeeecious" is a great ride as far as HarleyDad was concerned.
Mr. Monarch then got on "The Preeecious" and took off like a pro--obviously he had misspent his youth riding.
With our appetites sated and then whetted again, it was back for more American Chopper. The ladies and children had elected to limit their pain and snook off to a movie. (I think the word snook is conjugated, snuck, snack, snake-so perhaps I should have written that they snacked off to a movie or snaked off to a movie.) Oh well, discretion is the better part of valor.

Next the Dallas game and a warmed up smoked turkey for supper.

The extended family spoke on the phone to the Emerald Prince who was going later to be treated to one of the really fine dinners funded by the good state of Ozarklandia. It is tough to be green on holidays, and tough to talk to your family that you can not be with. Sure, the Emerald Prince had missed many holidays before; but he was sedated through many of them and did not know that he was missing them. Spaced out! Now he is in his right mind and feels pain about missing them.

We also talked with Sparkey who serves in the military-emphasis on the word "serve". Sparkey was patient and kind and let us pass the phone from relative to relative so that he could answer the same questions 12 times in succession. We think that this is good interrogation training and will be a help to him if he goes over yonder. He probably sprung (spring, sprang, sprung) his fingers translating for Beautiful Bridgette.

Sparkey has been extensively trained by Uncle Sam-we don't know what he does for certain but we know it involves a pencil, paper and magic markers. Can he tell us what he is doing we ask? Answer--no. Can he tell us that he can't tell us? Answer--may be. Can he tell us if he has been told not to tell us? Answer--no.

Sparkey has been working on a novel. He said that he could write stuff scarier than Stephen King. I only hope he is not writing about the family. I am afraid--very afraid. My son, Sparkey, the very well educated military man, artist, diver, chef, linguist and writer.

We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving as we continue to work through our convoluted and wondrous family dynamics.

HarleyDad (Who is very thankful that no one crashed his Harley today.)

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