Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy HarleyDad's Day!!

(as guest hacked by one ImpQueen, World Monarch... hehhh.)

Happy HarleyDad's Day, Daddy!

There are myriad things that could be said in these fine pages, clearly designed by a genius, about the man we know and love and call HarleyDad.

It could be said that his flatulence is fragrant, his wit rapier-sharp, his patience... okay, back to flatulence. One could hold forth on his learned mind, his knowledge of everything except how to spell, his devotion to God, family and a never-ending quest for art, beauty, and a better Ouzo.
A wise observer would note his outstanding taste in spouse, his brilliant but bloody awful children, his amazingly talented and beautiful grandchildren.

But all these things pale in light of the comment made by one Tristan Alexander, aged nine, during a private conversation yesterday with a friend:

"Hey, you know my Ernie-Papa? He drives a motorcycle. No, man, not just ANY motorcycle... he drives a HARLEY!"

Happy Father's Day, Daddy. We love you to the ends of the earth and back: yea, even enough to hack your blog.

Love, Julie


Anonymous said...

HarleyDad, Dude -

Greetings on Your Day. Another year with sanity intact, despite what I am sure are the IQWM's best efforts. The mind boggles.

Keep on!

Best regards,
The Insufferable Dregs

Debonair Suaveroot said...

An' ye be havin' a happy one, HarleyDude, er, HarleyDad.
Aerlingus McDingus
Denizen o' the auld country and general gadabout

Anonymous said...

That is one amazing kid you have there, sir. Happy Father's Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers Day HarleyDad!
I hope your having a good day and you make the most of it!

Julie's friend,