Sunday, April 09, 2006

Yale, How far You Have Fallen

Didn't Bush go to Yale? The same holds true of many of the world's notables. Yale is an Ivy League school, and reputed one of the best. Ivy League, I said. In fact it is so high up in the ivy, it has totally lost touch with reality.

A copy of a Wall Street Journal Opinion on the role of women in Afghanistan and the admission of the Taliban student to Yale can be found by going to this link.

Yale's newest student is a member of the Taliban. You know the ones we are fighting in Afghanistan. Equal opportunity and intellectual indiscrimination has descended to new lows. Soon we will have proponents of the Klu Klux Klan and Neo-Nazis receiving our countries highest education. This somewhat reminds me of selling scrap to Japan just before Pearl Harbor so that the Japanese could shoot it back at us in the form of bullets.

And so it seemed that the mother of U.S. Seal who died in Afghanistan went to see the President of Yale about it. She was caught in traffic and was 15 minutes late so she was unable to see the President of Yale. It seems like the blood of a patriot does not buy much these days, especially in the Ivy League.

Yale has an endowment that is immense. Its professors are tenured and protected from the fickle vissitudes that plague normal men and women. They certainly have more protection than the young soldier that died in Afghanistan. So the Taliban goes to Yale and the mother of the dead soldier goes home wondering what her son died for.

Our country can do better than this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yale was founded as a Christian school. Today, Yale's Divinity School is open to non-Christians. This fact is boldly advertised on the opening page of its website.