Friday, March 24, 2006

The Man Has a Name

The convert from Islam who is on trial in Afghanistan has a name. The latest report about what is going on can be found in the Reuters Release published by Yahoo News. His name is rarely used presumably because he is a non-person to the media.

It is interesting that the "post-Christian" countries of Germany and Italy along with Canada have taken the lead in asking for Rahman's release.

The U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice has now weighed in by making a phone call to the Afghan President, Hamid Karzai.

One possible solution that is being considered is to consider Rahman as being insane. Smacks of Russia in the Cold War declaring Christians as being mentally unfit and placing them in asylums for the mentally ill.

In short the enlightened Islamic response is to declare a convert to Christianity as being insane. As an insane person they are to be pitied and treated rather than killed.

Well a number of Christians are defending Afghanistan and Hamid Karzai and his government. They are doing their duty to God and country. So apparently Mr. Karzai is being defended by those considered to be worthy of death or who are insane.

Mr Rahman bounced around for a number of years looking for a country to live in before he was finally sent back to Afghanistan. I wonder if our government in the U.S. has thought about offering him political asylum. But I only hear a thunder of silence from Washington. I guess the problem is that Mr. Rahman is not an isolated example.



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